Sales/Bundles FAQ

What long distance plans are available?

Unlimited Nationwide Calling
Unlimited nationwide calling to all 50 states and the District of Columbia, 24 hours a day, included in all phone plans. Call for details.

Smart 8s
If you need the convenience and power of a toll-free number, our Smart 8s toll-free number plans (800 鈥 888 鈥 855 鈥 866 鈥 877) are available with no service charges. (International toll-free service is available from 22 countries; please check with a representative for details.)

Click here to learn about our international long distance plans.

How do I transfer my phone number and services to another person?

A Transfer of Ownership Form must be completed and signed by both parties, as well as submittal of a copy of each person鈥檚 drivers license. By signing the form, the existing customer grants permission to transfer the phone number. By signing the form, the new customer indicates that he/she accepts all financial liabilities and responsibilities.

鈥淎ssuming鈥 customers must agree to accept ownership of the account, not just take the phone number. This includes assumption of any outstanding debts, including Yellow Page Advertising, for the remainder of the term. Financial liabilities include, but are not limited to, monthly service charges, local and toll calls, roaming calls, directory listings, and advertising, etc. Future billing will continue without interruption or adjustment to the new customer.

How long does it take to get residential service installed?

Our goal is to have a service installed within three to five business days of your request. However, installation timeframes do vary, so please ask your Hargray representative for more details.

What are the benefits and costs of the wiring protection plan?

Hargray's Connected Home plan offers inside wiring maintenance and is available for $5.99 per month per line of service. This convenient, optional service covers the maintenance and repair of inside wiring that we install or that is installed by others to our specifications. Click here to learn more.
